Welcome to IAESTE Denmark
Following our international motto "Work. Experience. Discover." we offer students relevant practical experience within their study field and employers skillfull and motivated interns.
Life can take you some interesting places but IAESTE takes you even further.
Megan Anderson
President Denmark 2015 – 2017
I am Danish but because of IAESTE I now have a Scottish husband, I live and work in Germany and have friends from all over the world!
Natasja Nystrup
President Copenhagen 2014 – 2015
IAESTE brims with amazing people, welcomes you in wholeheartedly and truly changes you!
Jeska Naujoks
President Denmark 2017 – 2018
IAESTE got me a pretty good internship and also gave me a growing family for life.
Mario Padilla
Intern from Spain 2016 – 2017
About Us
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE A.s.b.l.) is an international non-profit organisation that provides paid internship exchanges on a global scale within technological and scientific educations.
In IAESTE, every member country is responsible for the activities in their country. For IAESTE Denmark that means among others to raise jobs, arrange accommodation and social activities for the interns coming to Denmark from the other member countries.
We ensure that our incoming interns feel comfortable just as we help students at Danish educational institutions to secure their internship in one of our member countries.
We offer our volunteer members who participate in running the organisation considerable experiences on national and international level and valuable possibilities to connect with Danish employers.
As employer you can utilise our broad network and win highly qualified interns to your company.
I Danmark er vores kontor beliggende på DTU Lyngby. Dermed er vi placeret i hjertet af et af de store universiteter i Danmark. Igennem det netværk, stræber vi efter at tilbyde IAESTE praktikophold til alle videregående uddannelsesinstitutioner i Danmark.
IAESTE was founded in 1948 at Imperial College in London. Representatives from 10 different countries where invited to that foundation. One of them was Anker Engelund, principal of DTU at the time. He asked Polyteknisk Forening (PF) to represent Denmark at the first meeting, so IAESTE Denmark was student run from the beginning and is part of PF until today. Starting with 10 member countries, IAESTE has grown over the years to span the whole world and has in total exchanged over 360 000 students. We in Denmark provided internships to thousands of students and are looking forward to many more.
Our Goal
Vores mål er at fremme international kontakt, forståelse og samarbejde mellem studerende. Vi tilbyder danske arbejdsgivere internationale praktikanter. Praktikanterne vælges efter arbejdsgivernes behov og bidrager til et kulturelt beriget arbejdsmiljø. Praktikanterne får teknisk relevant erfaring samtidigt med at få erfaring på arbejdsmarkedet.
Core Values
IAESTE is built on friendship, trust, respect, professionalism, development and intercultural cooperation. We work towards these values and are committed to impact student development through international exchange.
member countries around the world
In this short video below you can see what an internship with IAESTE is all about. In addition you can find inspirational stories and clear and comprehensible statistics in our current annual review.