General Questions

IAESTE has more than 80 member countries you can choose from.

Most countries have a lower salary level than Denmark. You can expect to earn enough to live in the country of your internship but should not expect to earn much excess money with your internship.

To be eligible for a job you must meet the requirements of the job description. Most jobs do not require previous work experience. If they do, it is specified. IAESTE will choose the best candidate and submit the required forms to the employer, who has the final say on whether you will be accepted.

To apply through IAESTE Denmark you must be registered as a student at an educational institution in Denmark for a full degree (Bachelor’s or Master’s). You do not have to have Danish citizenship. If you are Danish, but are taking a degree abroad, you must apply through IAESTE in the country you are studying in.

You do not necessarily have to be a student for many companies and countries. However, we strongly recommend to take the internship during your studies because many IAESTE countries organise accommodation that requires student status.

No, unfortunately you cannot. Direct contact to the receiving IAESTE country and the employer is limited to accepted students.
This is to allow the employer to assess the applications on an objective basis. If you want to know more about the work you can for example check the website of the company.

In most cases the receiving country arranges accommodation for you. However, you should expect to pay the rent yourself.

An internship with IAESTE lasts between 6 weeks and 12 months, so the duration is very flexible. It is set by the employer of the receiving country.

IAESTE does not take care of flight and/or train tickets, so you will have to pay that yourself. Furthermore, we do not pay for insurance and costs related to obtaining your work permit/visa.

As a general rule you do not get credit for your IAESTE internship. However, this does not mean that you absolutely cannot. We recommend that you ask your study supervisor if the description for an interesting job is enough to obtain credits for the job. We help to obtain all the information we can get from the employer and the receiving IAESTE country to make it work.


Recommendations are meant to be testimonials from jobs or positions you have had previously that may be relevant to the job you are applying for.
You should for example not enclose testimonials for military service or retail jobs.

We recommend strongly that you write a customised application to every employer to increase your chance of getting accepted.

The passport is intended as an identification for the employer. Sometimes it is also needed by IAESTE in the receiving country to help you to apply for a visa or work permit.

Of course! You are welcome to join as many IAESTE internships as you want to. But applicants who have not been on an internship before will be prioritised.

You can definitely apply again. Even more so, we will count it positively if you have applied before.


No, that means you have been selected as the best candidate from IAESTE Denmark.. You will still need to be selected by the company (COBE, FCFS offers) or wait for approval of the employer (AC offers).

The student nominated form is attached to the application and sent to the employer. The purpose is to gather all the important information on one page, as well as being a confirmation from IAESTE Denmark that we chose to nominate you for the jobs.

After Acceptance

Document N5a is retained by you, this is your labour contract. N5b should be filled out and sent back to IAESTE Denmark.

You are responsible yourself for arranging a work permit or visa if required in the country you are going to. In some cases, this may take a long time, so it is recommended that you look into this as soon as possible. The receiving country can and will almost always help you and give you important information. If you do not receive assistance from the receiving country, IAESTE Denmark can support you.

It is important that you are insured throughout your stay abroad. Many travel insurance policies have restrictions on among others the maximum number of weeks you may be travelling. Check with your insurance company if their travel insurance covers all your needs.

You may want to investigate in advance which vaccinations are required for the country you are going to. An overview can be found at http://www.sikkerrejse.dk/.

What happens when you arrive, depends on how IAESTE is organised in the country concerned. You may be greeted on arrival and escorted to your accommodation and/or work. 
Maybe you will have to arrange things yourself, but the receiving country will inform you about this in advance.